thought overload

Posts tagged ‘swimming’

It’s still me: A new year, a new look.

Settlement Cove aka Redcliffe Lagoon

I hope you didn’t arrive here today and say…where the hell am I? It’s OK, you’re in the right place. I decided that a new year and a wonderful bunch of readers deserved a new look. I also decided that my blog needed a more personal feel and I had a lot of fun learning the ‘how to’ of WordPress. I am a digital immigrant so this stuff is not easy for me.

The photo in my header was taken at a place called Settlement Cove, also known as Redcliffe Lagoon. We often take the children there in summer, in fact The Princess spent yesterday there, swimming with her friends. One of the rocks beside the walkway leading to the lagoon has been hand painted in the Aboriginal dot style.

Hurry up Mum, stop taking photos

Welcome to all my new visitors and thank you to all my regular readers. I am approaching 80 followers and this will be my 40th post which is absolutely mind-blowing for me. When I began my blogging adventure I never dreamed that anyone would find what I wrote even remotely interesting. In fact I got stage fright and didn’t blog for about 7 months. A lot has changed in just 3 months. I have met and followed some amazing people and their blogs. These people inspire me, support me, delight me, entertain me and amaze me. My new blog look is a tribute to you all to display the respect and admiration I feel for you and the support you have given me. I hope you like it.

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