thought overload

Posts tagged ‘ballet’

Wash me or the dog?

Red hair in close-up

Image via Wikipedia

Today we washed the dogs. Perfect weather for a pooch bath? They didn’t seem to think so. “Stay…stay…staaaaaaaay! Nooooo! Don’t shake. Wait until I….” Too late. Ugh. I hate that.
I managed to send some recipes off to a uni friend who is struggling to feed her 18 month old daughter ( got to love those food battles).
Master 6 was at the dentist this morning and was happy to get the tick of approval for tooth-brushing and no more dental appointments for now.
I have applied for a job at the local Kindergarten so, wish me luck. I am not sure if this will tip the scales towards insanity but I so miss working and being around adults!
I got away with not having to tie Red’s hair into a bun this morning. he works for a deli and has to wear his long, red hair up and tidy. Red struggles to get it into a nice, tight bun. I have had plenty of experience with that as the Princess used to do ballet. Everybody laughs at me styling red’s hair as I do not even do the Princesses hair for school (insert eye roll here). Red is 19 and seriously helpless.
I have really enjoyed returning to blogging here and I have found some great recipes and some really funny posts while exploring.
School is nearly out and I am sitting here enjoying the last few moments of peace and quiet before the insanity begins. You know what I mean?

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